Lets understand platform Independence or Portability
When we develop an application by using any .net language after compilation CIL code is generated and this CIL code is what we install on the clients machine for execution, Which gets converted into machine code of clients plate-form with the help of a special component known as CLR(Common Language Run-time)
Suppose a developer is developing a application. After compilation of program he will get the IL code that IL code he will installed to clients Machine
if client machine is window the following flow will take palce
CIL code--->CLR---->Machine code for window
If client machine is MAC the following flow will take place
CIL code--->CLR---->Machine code for MAC
To get the CLR on any Machine we need to first install a software known as .Net Framework
I think now it is clear that .Net framework is a software required, for execution of .net application on any machine which mask(override) the functionality of an Operating System and execute the .net language compile code that is CIL code under its control by providing the features like:-
- Portability(Platform Independence)
- Security
- Automatic memory management
In case of plateform dependent lanuguages like C, C++ etc a compiled code (Machine Code) runs directly under Operating System .Where as in case of Plateform Independent Languages of .net complied code (CIL Code) will run under .net framework as following:-
*Note :- Application which directly runs under Operating System are known as unmanaged application. Where as application which run under .net framework known as managed application
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