Array in c sharp

Array : It is a set of similar type value that are stored in a sequential order that is in the form of Rows ans Column.

In C Sharp array can be declare as fixed length or dynamically.

Fixed length can store a predefined number of items.While size of dynamic arrays increases as we add new items to the array.

An array is a reference type. So memory is allocated for this on the managed heap memory.

One dimensional Arrays : Storing the data in the form of Row.

Syntax And Examples :

Note :  In c# language an array can be initialized only by using a new keyword .

using System;     
public class Program
 public static void Main()
  int [] arr = new int[6];
  int x =0 ;
  //Accessing the single dimenson array by for loop 
  for (int i =0 ; i< 6 ; i++)
   Console.Write(arr[i]+ " ");
  //Assigning values in single dimenson array using for loop
  for(int i = 0; i< 6 ; i++)
   x = x+ 10;
   arr[i]= x;
  //Accessing the array by foreach loop 
  foreach(int i in arr)
   Console.Write(i+" ");

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