Sub-program : A sub-program is a
named block of code which performs an action whenever it is called with it's name,
these sub-program are referred with different name in different programming
approaches like function under C/C++ languages, methods in Java and
.Net languages and store procedures in data bases.
Method : once after performing an action it may or may not return a value.
How to Define Method ?
Method : once after performing an action it may or may not return a value.
How to Define Method ?
- If we want to define any methods in our program in our program we need to define them under a class as per rule of encapsulation.
- The methods that we define under a class if require execution need to explicitly called.
- To call a method explicitly we need create the Instance of the class provide the methods are non-static or else we call the method directly with class name provided the method is static.
Syntax to define a method
[< Modifiers>] void / type<Name> ([< parameter definition>])
- Modifies are some special keywords which can be used optionally on a method like public, private, internal, protected, static, virtual, abstract, override, sealed, partial etc
- Void/type: To specify the method is non value returning or value returning, use void to specify the method is non-value returning where if it returns a value we need to specify the type of value in returns ( which can be any predefined type like int, float, string, object, etc or a user defined type also.)
Note: A non-value returning method just performs an action where a value returning method performs an action and return result of that action, which can be captured to perform a further action.
- Name: Refers to the name of the method for identification or calling.
- Parameters definition:It refers to parameter we want to pass to that method. To make the method dynamic and we pass parameters to a method as following:
[ref/out] < Type>< name> [=Value]
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